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There are different kinds of dams and each kind needs a specific monitoring setting. the dams can be divided in three main kind:

Embankment dams

Arch dams

Gravity dams

The embankment dams are generally monitored with a relative small amaunt of sensors incomparison with the other kind. the sensor are placend on the abutment and at the centre of the dam to record the dam behavior when there is an event.
On the picture below is possible to se the sensor positioning.

Embankment dam

The Arch dam need a more complex monitoring system. it is needed to monitor the crest and the abutment and at the base. The crest sensor are put on the maximal modal deflection, the sensors on the abutment and at the base will record the input motion.
On the picture below is possible to se the sensor positioning.

Arch dam

The gravity dams are the most complex type to monitor because they have a more complex behavior. It is assumed the blocks (monoliths) have a complete indipent behavior, so the sensor are placed mostly at the central blocks and/or on the hightest blocks. the crown block are the most important to monitor so on it are placed more then three sensors.
On the picture below is possible to se the sensor positioning.

Gravity dam

We can offer any king of instrument for the dams monitoring. The main instruments, and a combination of them, for the monitoring are:


Dams monitoring

There are different kinds of dams and each type needs a specific monitoring system. We can offer all the instrumentation to monitor them.

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